Epson Insights

Top 3 Digital Display Trends for 2023

EpsonJanuary 19, 2023

As 2022 came to an end, digital trends continued to emerge each day. Ramzi Shakra and Remi Del Mar, product managers at Epson America, Inc., took note of the top three trends that will be on the rise in 2023.

Following is insight on the evolving workplace, demand for advanced projector technology to create immersive viewing experiences, and education displays in learning environments.

Hybrid Meeting Rooms

The workplace is evolving. As companies and managers maintain hybrid work models and work-from-home is the norm, the ways in which employees interact is transforming. This transformation calls for an equity of connection between remote and physical attendees, while balancing shared content and collaboration tools in a meaningful way. The Microsoft Teams Front Row feature has been optimized to create equal viewing in presentations by placing the gallery of attendees at eye-level and content at the center with collaboration tools also visible for better communication. This is all in an ultra-wide digital canvas with a 21:9 aspect ratio. This specific optimization has played a crucial role in setting projection technology and its flexibility apart from other display solutions, and advancements in projection technology are being integrated to help make this setup more accessible.



Immersive Experiences

Immersive entertainment will continue to be a popular trend in entertainment, with growing opportunities for visually and audibly immersing people in content. We will see more advanced technology that is designed to enhance digitally immersive experiences come into play as consumers continue to crave these experiences. Immersive experiences place visitors right up close to the projected content. This, in turn, results in higher demand for display technology that can deliver realistic colors, higher resolution and more brightness for an enhanced experience, while remaining compact and quiet for easy installation and integration into a range of environments. Meeting the needs of designers, integrators, creative minds, and more, display technology is going to keep innovating and adjusting to make it even easier to create these visually elevated spaces and experiential moments that are captivating, interactive and intimate.



Education Display Technology

A/V technology is getting more complex and sophisticated in today’s education spaces and classrooms. Now, packing more intelligent software into smaller packages, display technology in classrooms is shifting as the need for student and teacher connectivity evolves and learning environments become more student centric.

As such, the decision-making process needs to become more application centric. For example, an instructional technology manager or director will have a larger influence on what technology should be incorporated into classrooms to optimize student learning. While IT directors will have to become more in tune with how devices are being used to be conducive to teaching and manageable from a networking and integration standpoint. Where this impacts display technology is with one-on-one devices and content sharing. A larger, more flexible display means a bigger canvas for more content to be shared simultaneously, that can be seen from anywhere in a room. Additionally, with the introduction of more technology in education spaces, displays need to remain agnostic when it comes to software platforms — they must be flexible and compatible with other technologies, with minimal maintenance required.

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